10110 01001 11010

🔒 ClaveSegura

Generate secure and memorable passwords instantly

Security Level 0%
12 characters

📜 Password History

Complete Password Security Guide

🛡️ Why are secure passwords important?

In today's digital age, passwords are the first line of defense in protecting our personal and professional information. Cybercriminals use increasingly sophisticated techniques to compromise accounts, and a weak password can be the gateway to identity theft or financial loss. Using unique and secure passwords for each account is essential to maintain your online security.

✨ Characteristics of a secure password

  • Minimum 12 characters to resist brute force attacks
  • Combination of uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Include numbers and special symbols
  • Avoid personal information or common words
  • Use a unique password for each service
  • Easy to remember but hard to guess

💡 Additional Tips

  • Use a password manager to store them securely
  • Enable two-factor authentication when possible
  • Change your passwords regularly
  • Never share your passwords with anyone
  • Avoid using the same password on multiple sites
  • Don't store passwords in plain text

⚠️ Risks of using weak passwords

Weak passwords are an open invitation to cybercriminals. Risks include unauthorized access to personal accounts, theft of sensitive information, financial losses, and damage to reputation. In the case of business accounts, a weak password can compromise the entire organization's security.

🧠 Memorable Passwords

Memorable passwords are an excellent alternative to random passwords. Using random words connected with hyphens and numbers, you can create passwords that are easy to remember but hard to hack. For example: "Mountain-Blue-Happy-123" is easier to remember than "Mh7#9kL$p2" and can be just as secure.

🎯 Best Practices

  • Use different passwords for each important account
  • Combine the use of random and memorable passwords as needed
  • Securely backup your passwords
  • Regularly review your password security
  • Stay informed about the latest security threats

🚫 The five most used passwords

These are the most common passwords and, therefore, the most vulnerable. Avoid them at all costs!

  • 123456 (and variations like 123456789)
  • password
  • qwerty (keyboard pattern)
  • 111111 (number repetitions)
  • admin (especially dangerous in business environments)

If you use any of these passwords or similar ones, change them immediately to a more secure one.

🔐 Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. Here's how it works:

  • First, enter your regular password
  • Then confirm your identity with a second method:
    • SMS code
    • Authentication app
    • Physical security key
    • Fingerprint or facial recognition

Enable this feature whenever available, especially for critical accounts like email or banking services.

🔍 Check if your password has been compromised

Did you know you can check if your passwords have appeared in data breaches? We recommend using the free and secure service "Have I Been Pwned":

  • Database of over 613 million leaked passwords
  • Secure and industry-respected service
  • Doesn't store or transmit your complete password
  • Constantly updated with new breaches

If you discover that any of your passwords have been compromised, change them immediately on all services where you use them.

🔒 Do we store your created password or any information about you?

No, absolutely nothing. Our password generator works completely in your browser and:

  • We don't store generated passwords
  • We don't send information to any server
  • We don't use tracking cookies
  • We don't collect usage data
  • We don't store personal information

Your privacy is our priority. The generated password only exists in your browser until you close the page or generate a new one.

💎 Why choose SecureKey?

SecureKey is a free and secure tool that prioritizes your privacy. Our generator works completely in the browser, which means that generated passwords are never stored or transmitted over the Internet.

Security Note: Remember that the best password is one that is not only secure but also one that you can remember or manage effectively. Use our generator in combination with a trusted password manager to maximize your online security.